Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Acrobats in my stomach....

So my stomach is doing back flips, front flips and all kinds of flips waiting for the results of my scans this week....this is truly the worst part because I hate the wait and I know any day now I will find out the news from my cancer surgeon in Hershey and then the official news in Philly on Thursday...every time the phone rings my stomach drops and I've checked my email countless times...I am praying so hard for good news and the better part of me is really thinking its going to be good this time...there is always a little part that is soo scared and worried but I know whatever the outcome I will continue to fight and make it through and I will just keep living each and every day no matter what...nothing can stop me.



  1. We are also praying VERY hard for you! LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Praying for good news. We love you...hang in there. Mom &Dad
