Friday, June 7, 2013

The people who matter come into your life when the time is right.....

Do you ever feel like you constantly put yourself out there and try to be nice and care about people but nothing ever comes out of it??there are times when I feel that I try to be a good friend/ good person but there is just nothing in return....frankly, I get tired of gets old...I need to stop caring so much what people think about me and just be satisfied that I do have the people in my life that I do...there are times when I still feel alone and I need to stop feeling like that and just feel blessed and content with what I have. Sometimes I feel so stupid when I feel I have a connection with someone and its probably completely the opposite...I think I trust too easy sometimes. I think i'm going to become more of a reserved person. It sucks because sometimes it feels so good to be able to talk to someone and you think they genuinely care and want to help you when the truth is they don't and they were just listening to make you think they cared...sorry I just needed to rant a little tonight because I was sitting here starting to feel shitty about myself but then I thought you know what I am a damn good person and friend and if people can't accept me for who I am then I don't really need those people in my life...It's amazing the people that you meet in your life and the ones that come and go....there have been people who I thought would still be in my life but they are not for a reason and then there are also people who have come into my life and I am so happy that God put those people back into my life and then there are also people who I am not sure if they are supposed to be in my life or not and i'm still figuring all that time God will show me who should be there and who shouldn't so i'm not too worried about it.Oh my....enough with all of this...until next time

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