So it has been a while since I blogged--my last blog I was waiting to get scan results back. Many things have happened since then- Good news is my scans came back perfectly stable which is wonderful! It is always wonderful to hear the words stable :-)

Also since my last blog my Sister and I went to the much anticipated Justin Timberlake concert together. We drove up to Philly together and stayed overnight. It was so much fun, it always is with my Sister. We laugh so hard practically the whole time. The concert was absolutely amazing and Justin is an awesome performer!! The only things I would have changed were having to deal with bad hand/foot syndrome( so I had to sit several times during the performance) and also that our camera broke right before the concert( so, sorry no pictures!) but other then that it was an amazing memory I will never forget!!! Just sitting here typing this is making me laugh thinking about how fun that night was! Oh my, when the two of us are together...everyone better watch out!

Some other things that have happened- I took a two week break from my chemo due to the hand/foot syndrome that I just mentioned in the paragraph above. Boy, is that a hard side effect to deal with- my hands and feet were on fire and raw and my skin was peeling off .I could barely walk and couldn't do simple things- it was absolutely horrible...but it makes you realize how much you appreciate the little things like use of your hands and feet.The break from the chemo gave my hands and feet enough time to heal over for now-which is a relief. I started back on my chemo this past Monday on a lower dose then I was at (80mg)- we are hoping and praying this works to keep the hand/foot syndrome and other side effects more under control but still be able to control and keep the cancer stable. Always praying that stable and healing are in God's plans for me.

Another happening since last time.. is once again my TSH went completely whack again. I have been feeling extreme tiredness- barely able to get out of bed and once I do get out of bed just wanting to go back into bed and not functioning too well- Well here my last blood work showed that my TSH level was at 148!! My oncology nurse couldn't believe this and said if this was true I could be in big trouble. So we decided to do repeat blood work. I got those results back and still my TSH was 116-a normal TSH can run between 0.4-4.0- so as you can see my TSH was extremely high. When your TSH gets that high you can be at risk of possible coma if it continues to rise. So this is obviously pretty scary- We are thinking this happened because my last TSH results were getting a little too low and I was feeling very anxious and shaky and having heart palpitations- so we took away my cytomel which is a replacement T3 hormone and I was just taking the normal 200mg of synthroid- Well we are thinking taking all that away at the same time probably caused this. So now I am taking the 200mg synthroid plus 4- 5mg of cytomel to help lower my TSH and get it back to normal range- I go see Penn again at the end of the month so we will have a better idea of what is going on then!! Lets hope all goes well and things start to go back to normal and stay that way! I just have to mention, Jon has been absolutely amazing during this time of me dealing with all of these issues- He is right there to help me and has been keeping up with the house and hasn't complained once- I feel terrible about it but he always assures me that he just wants me to feel better and it is such a blessing that I have a Husband like him. He continues to amaze me everyday- He is so strong and I love him so much for going through this with me and being right by my side. He is wonderful.

One of the things I gave up for lent is Facebook- I need breaks from that- I get tired of communicating with people only through face book and I admit it can be very addicting and I don't want to hide behind it. It can be a great tool for some of my support groups but I feel is also a very easy way to "check up" on people and keep tabs of what's going on with people instead of just asking the actual person- and like I said ....just as guilty here at times!! Plus I figure there are many other ways people can get a hold of us if they really wanted too!! Jon and I have also decided just to take a few hours every day and turn off all media and just spend time talking and doing simple things like playing cards,games, listening to music or just simply talking to each other and spending time together in devotion and prayer more often. Quality time--its a good thing that I think todays world forgets about because of all the hustle and bustle of every day things that we can all get caught up in. I challenge you all to try it--just take at least an hour and just turn off all media- TV's, cell phones,everything and just spend some quality time with the ones you love--actually listen to somebody as they speak and devote all of yourself for that one hour to another person or persons....Until next time my friends.

Praying things continue to stay stable and that you can enjoy your unplugged time! <3