I just wanted to write a quick blog thanking everyone for the amazing and thoughtful sunshine bags I have received while going through chemo. These bags really brightened my days and gave me something to look forward to. You all are so thoughtful and it made me feel so loved and supported. A special thank you to my amazing sister/ bestie Kelli and my wonderful sister in law Ronice for coming up with this idea! I love you both! You guys are awesome and I am so thankful for you two! I have said this many times but because of the wonderful support I get from so many people I continue to get stronger and stronger every day...also thank you to all the people for the very thoughtful cards I receive and still continue to receive even from people I have never met and for the wonderful donations Jon and I received from the donation site my parents set up to help us out! Thank you both again Mom & Dad for doing that for us! We love you! We are truly blessed and I feel overwhelmed with happiness and am so thankful...even though my cancer is "techniquely" too far along to go into remission or for me to be cured unless a cure is found.. I will Always have faith & hope and because of God and all of you, I feel that I will beat the odds and kick this cancers ass and will not go down without a fight..so get used to me because I am planning and being around for a longgg time!! :) I can't thank you all enough for all of the support you have shown me throughout my journey and I know will continue to show me, my husband and my family! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.. I love you all!
Another quick note....today I made another beautiful memory with my Niece McCartney and my Husband Jon..McCartney Came along for a day of adventures....we first went to my Dr appointment in Philly...she made the appointment a lot easier for me and she must have calmed me down because my blood pressure was the best it has been so far! I did get a little emotional inside at times because I wish that was a place we didn't have to visit but I am glad she was along for the ride and she has been yet another person who has kept me going and strong. Sometimes children are the best medicine because of their views on this crazy world, innocence and bubbly personalities. We then went to the Elmwood Zoo in Norristown. It was such a cute zoo and we had a fun time! I really hope McCartney enjoyed herself as much as we did! Aunt Kristin and Uncle Jon love you soo much McCartney!! xoxox Until next time....
You are so strong sister! And yes, YOU CAN and YOU WILL! I love you very much!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you had a fun time with Jon and McCartney at the Zoo! I'm sure it was a lot of fun!
I am so glad the sunshine bags came together and that you have been enjoying them! I am almost positive she had as much fun as you guys! I love that you can help her make these awesome memories! LOVE YOU!